Anne Bonny's cottage and horse

Australian Opensimulator Grid

Theme of the grid: Pirates, Anne Bonny, Mary Read and Calico Jack

A grid for Australians with great benefits that include and not limited to.

A purple dot Region prices are in Australian currency.

A purple dot Servers based in 2 Australian cities, Brisbane and Sydney.

A purple dot Protection under the Australian consumer laws.

A purple dot Payment options are Osko and Direct debit

A purple dot Telephone support with standard Australian call rates

We are the home of much sort after gadgets. Most popular, the security orb that morphs into a panel at will

Calico Jack's maid dusts the hideaway of Anne, Mary and Calico!
The maid was found in a barrel of vomit.
The pirate, Anne Bonny said "Reminds me of my mother can we keep her"
How could a pirate say no to that, said Calico!
So we took her on board our ship and sailed....

News - Linux UFW Firewall Questionable

[Posted: 2024-12-18 13:54:11 UTC+10:00]

Why, If your VPS host has a configurable firewall you should uninstall ... Read more

News - AWS Servers Hacker Orgy

[Posted: 2024-12-17 17:32:22 UTC+10:00]

The Amazon servers are an orgy for hackers and probing. Thousands of ... Read more

News - DOS attack

[Posted: 2024-12-17 10:22:05 UTC+10:00]

Trojan Alert: (Brazilian Server) Wordpress themes contain ... Read more

News - Partnership

[Posted: 2024-12-14 12:01:41 UTC+10:00]

We will have partnerships enabled on the grid later this weekend. The ... Read more

Anne Boony's home

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Unique hypergrid visitors   74



Web design and created by:  Jeffrey Dougall ©2024