It will take up to 30 minutes for changes in your land search preferances to be updated in the search.

Account Profile Terminology

Each member of the Covert Jacob Bonny grid are given a member classification. This aids in identifying the persons role on the grid.

Account (As shown in your profile)

A purple dot Unverified member: (New member, email address not verified)
A purple dot Verified Member: (Email address verified)
A purple dot Premium Member: (Has paid for 1 or more regions)
A purple dot Support Staff: (While online contact this person for support)
A purple dot Grid Owner: (Self explanatory)
A purple dot Suspended: (Users account has been suspended)
A purple dot New Account Model: (Model accounts – Wear outfits for new members)


When your classification is changed it can take sometime to populate throughout the grid.

Grid Status:    Grid is online
Members:   32
Online last 30 days   11
Online past 24 hours   11
Unique hypergrid visitors   92



Web design and created by:  Jeffrey Dougall ©2024