Region Pricing

The cost of owning your own region at, Jacobs Bonny Grid, are highly competative.

Prices are in US dollars.
Prices indicated are monthly cost.

Free Land (FREE)

A purple dot Small 6144 SQR land is FREE to members.

A purple dot whole region US$10 per month (Homestead 7500 prims)
A purple dot whole region US$15 per month (Full Estate 25,000 prims)
A purple dot 2×2 region US$20 per month (Large Estate 25,000 prims)
A purple dot 3×3 region US$30 per month (Mega Estate 40,000 prims)

Payment options


Grid Status:    Grid is online
Members:   32
Online last 30 days   11
Online past 24 hours   11
Unique hypergrid visitors   92



Web design and created by:  Jeffrey Dougall ©2024